My Projects

Table filter menu

Aprel 28 2022

To open this menu, select the table column name. The menu has the following features:
- Sort the data in ascending and descending order.
- Search over data.
- Show the number of selected values.
- Select and unselect all data.
- Hide column.
- Clean the data filter.
- Manually select data.
The menu works with the PyQt library's QWidgetTable widget. This menu works in multy columns.


March 31 2022

The .csv file is read and duplicate data is deleted. The data set is added to a pre-prepared database.

RFI creator

Septenber 03 2021

The table containing the RFI data, the address where the RFI will be created and the RFI numbers are selected. It is possible to create more than one RFI at the same time. RFI numbers can be recorded sequentially or mixed.

WEB scraping

August 07 2021

The data on is analyzed and information about companies is read.

Selectable menu

Septenber 22 2020

This menu consists of selectable columns and their sub-columns. The shortcuts marked in front of the equestrian columns are functional.


May 28 2019

The incubator has the following main parts: heater, converter, cooler, humidifier, monitor, buttons, thermometer, humidity sensor, microcontroller. The microcontroller heats, cools, generates moisture or dries the incubator based on data from the sensors. The time-adjuster turns the eggs from time to time. The monitor shows the values of the sensors, the day before the end of the incubator. It is possible to change the input values from the settings menu and start the incubator.

Biometric door system

November 24 2018

Checks the accuracy of the employee with a fingerprint sensor. If the employee's fingerprint is in the system, the door is opened and the employee's start time is sent wirelessly to the central system. This wireless connection is made by the HC12 module.


Online control system

October 09 2018

Connects to the internet via wifi or ethernet port. Manages device-related equipment through a website. A simple example: turn the LED on and off.


Cutting machine automation

Avqust 21 2018

The microcontroller activates the motor to adjust the input distance. Measures the distance with the encoder and saves it when needed. The distance information is written to a permanent memory (ROM) and displayed on the screen. If the value on the screen differs from the real distance, it is possible to calibrate.


Motion detection system

Iyul 10 2018

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable.


WakeMeUp demo

Septenber 30 2017

It is a device used to keep workers behind the wheel or during work. Sensors placed on the glasses check whether the user is awake. If the user goes to sleep, it sends a signal to the phone and the receiver starts.